MELBOURNE: Last Thursday, around 100 members of the Melbourne Armenian community attended the first Armenian National Committee of Australia - Melbourne Branch gathering at the Armenian Community Centre in Springvale.
Sydney-based Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) Executive Director, Haig Kayserian was the guest speaker.
After an introduction to ANC-AU - Melbourne from Branch Chair, Asbed Boymoushakian, Kayserian presented an update to the gathered, before an interactive questions and answers session further shone a light on ANC-AU activities and the state of Armenian affairs in Australian politics.
"Thank you to all who attended tonight's event," said Boymoushakian. "A special thank you to Armenian National Committee of Australia Executive Director Haig Kayserian for his keynote."
He added: "We expect this will be the first of many such opportunities for Melbourne Armenians to become more involved in the defence of Armenian issues in Australian public affairs."