SYDNEY: Sydney-based Armenian students are being asked to take the day off regular school and gather at Galstaun College on Friday, 24 April 2015 to take part in a groundbreaking Seminar dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide.
The Seminar, titled “A Journey to Your Roots” is being organised by the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia), Galstaun College and the Armenian Youth Federation of Australia (AYF Australia, and will feature leading academics and historians who will run workshops for students.
The event, which is targeted towards students between Years 4 to 12, is open to all Armenian students. Those students who do not attend an Armenian day school are strongly encouraged to take the day off
(by providing their school with a copy of a letter prepared by His Grace, Bishop Haigazoun Najarian - CLICK HERE FOR LETTER) and take part in this unique event.
Academics, including Prof. Colin Tatz, Dr. Panayiotis Diamadis and Vicken Babkenian will provide informative sessions on the Armenian Genocide including Australia’s humanitarian response.
The organisers have asked all students who attend to be equipped with the knowledge of where their ancestors are from in Western or Eastern Armenia. AYF Australia will create a graphic representation of this titled "A Journey to Your Roots". Lunch will also be provided by AYF Australia.
Executive Director of ANC Australia, Vache Kahramanian, said: “We are excited to be holding this special event for school aged students on the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide.”
“We encourage students not to miss this unique opportunity and take part in a highly educational and emotive program,” Kahramanian added,
"By taking the day off regular school, the students will also create mass awareness of the still-unpunished Armenian Genocide."
Registration is essential and the form is available below: