SYDNEY: The Armenian National Committee of Australia’s annual #GalstaunGovernment program returned to Hamazkaine Arshak & Sophie Galstaun College, with the participation of two New South Sales State parliamentarians, Rory Amon MP and Matt Cross MP, for the first time, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU).
The #GalstaunGovernment program, established in 2018 as one of the organisation’s first #ANCAUOutreach initiatives, has been inspiring young minds since its inception through practical workshops and real-world simulations to help Armenian-Australian High School students understand the significant impact politics has on the daily lives of Australian citizens.
Conducted on the grounds of Australia’s largest Armenian-run everyday school over the course of three weeks, the program commenced with Year 8 and Year 9 students forming political parties, selecting their political parties’ names, and appointing leadership roles, including leaders, deputy leaders, and ministers for key portfolios.
In Week 2, the Year 8 political parties engaged in a dynamic mock parliamentary debate on the topic: "Should mobile phones be banned in schools?" whilst the Year 9 political parties focused on creating promotional materials to garner support for their political parties and prepared for the Week 3 debate in front of their peers.
The highlight of this year's program was the Week 3 special guests, which included New South Wales Parliamentarians Rory Amon MP - the Member for Pittwater and Matt Cross MP - the Member for Davidson, who accepted the ANC-AU’s invitation to moderate the debate for the first time. Their participation added an extra layer of authenticity to the experience, as they posed challenging questions and probed the political parties' positions, offering students a taste of real political discourse.

Armenian National Committee of Australia Executive Director Michael Kolokossian said, "The Galstaun Government Program is preparing a generation of politically engaged youth. Even if they choose not to pursue careers in politics or related fields, it is essential that they understand the processes that shape our society. This knowledge empowers them to be informed and active citizens."
The Armenian National Committee of Australia expressed its sincere thanks to Galstaun College Principal Edward Demirdjian for once again providing the ANC-AU with the opportunity to run this impactful program, and also conveyed its sincere appreciation to MPs Rory Amon and Matt Cross for their invaluable participation and support.