SYDNEY: One hundred and fifty guests gathered at Sydney's Cafe Del Mar on 14th March 2019 to join the Armenian Professional Network (APN) at its classy relaunch event, which featured a revealing and interactive keynote address by by legendary Armenian-Australian investment banker, Mr. Michael Carapiet.
The APN – an initiative of the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) – has the goal of connecting Armenian professionals across Australia. If this launch event was to serve as an indicator, the Network would be right to expect success in the pursuit of their goal.
APN Committee members, Sarah Panosian and Gamer Verdian kicked off proceedings with a welcome to the gathered, before inviting the attending professionals to partake in "speed networking" - 60-second introductions to as many fellow attendees as possible.
They then introduced the night's keynote speaker, Mr. Michael Carapiet, who chose to use his keynote to share his experiences with what has always been an unofficial Armenian professional network. He went through the good and the bad of the past, always providing tips on how it can be made better for the future with this formal Armenian Professional Network (APN).
The former Macquarie Group senior executive's tips for professional success were a particular highlight, as well as the question and answer session, where Mr. Carapiet was able to shed light on many of his experiences as a leading Australian banking executive.
APN Committee Chair, Dr. Vik Kortian was very grateful for Mr. Carapiet's contribution.
"The opportunity for younger Armenian professionals to share an audience with someone of Mr. Carapiet's experience and success was a real treat, and together with the networking, forms the basis of the opportunities the Armenian Professional Network wishes to provide our friends," Kortian said.
Kortian also showcased a BETA version of the APN website, which contains the most expansive database of Armenian professionals in Australia, searchable by industry, occupation, interests and other search tags. The full version of this website will be revealed after testing in coming months.
The professionals were also able to hear from the sponsors of the APN Launch Party, which included Bank of Sydney, digiDIRECT Cameras & Imaging, Sydneywide Commercial Cleaning, HYECORP Property Group, Weston Aluminium and Cafe Del Mar. Lucky door prize sponsors included Dental Lounge and Spectrum Camera House.
The Photography Sponsor for this event was Berj Varjabedian.
"We are very thankful to all our sponsors, and all who attended the event," said Dr. Kortian. "We look forward to seeing this crowd and more at our regular catchups and workshops to strengthen and establish new partnerships within the community.
The APN Committee, chaired by Dr. Kortian - who consults in organisational excellence and currently lectures at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management - also includes cosmetic dentist, Gamer Verdian; property manager, Sarah Panosian; as well as lawyers Jacqueline Chelebian and Alexia Ereboni Yazdani.
ANC-AU Vice-Chair, Vache Kahramanian thanked the APN Committee on their successful launch, and wished them the best for their forthcoming events and catch-ups that will be advertised in due course.
For photos from the APN Launch Party,
please click here or view below.