SYDNEY: The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) has announced Nagorno Karabakh Member of Parliament, Davit Ishkhanyan will be the headline guest for ANC Australia Advocacy Week (30 November to 4 December) in 2015, while former Treasurer of Australia, Joe Hockey will be honoured at the ANC Australia Annual Banquet.
To kick the week off, Ishkhanyan will be a part of a delegation travelling to Canberra to meet with Members of Parliament, and he will also be the keynote speaker at the ANC Australia Annual Banquet to conclude the week of activities.
Ishkhanyan, alongside ANC Australia, will be helping to raise awareness on issues relating to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, and will look to promote the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh as the lead up to the nation’s 25th anniversary of Independence draws near. Also, being the Centenary year of the Armenian Genocide, Ishkhanyan will play an important role when meeting with officials.
The ANC Australia Annual Banquet will also host former Federal Treasurer and Member for North Sydney, Joe Hockey, who will be presented a prestigious award for his dedicated service to the Armenian community while in Parliament.
The recipient of the ANC Australia “Friend of the Armenian Community” Award will also be announced at the event, to be held on Friday, 4th December at Miramare Gardens.
Executive Director of ANC Australia, Vache Kahramanian remarked: “2015 has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding years for our organisation. The Annual Banquet is our opportunity to showcase the achievements over the past twelve months and provide a glimpse into the future.”
Full details of the ANC Australia Annual Banquet can be found on the below flyer.