SYDNEY: The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) is pleased to announce that applications for this year's ANC-AU Internship Program’s Hagop Kortian Scholarship will be opening on Monday, 27th May 2024.
The Scholarship will facilitate the placement of Armenian-Australian students into the offices of Members of Parliament, Senators, government departments, think-tanks and media centres in Canberra and within state capitals across the country, and serves to facilitate greater involvement of young Armenian-Australians in the Australian political process.
The ANC-AU Internship Program’s Hagop Kortian Scholarship, part of broader #ANCAUoutreach initiatives, also provides work experience opportunities for young Armenian-Australians at the National Office of the Armenian National Committee of Australia.
Additionally, the scholarship covers the recipient's travel, food, and accommodation costs throughout the program.
The ANC-AU Internship Program's Hagop Kortian Scholarship is a long-term commitment from the family of Mr. Hagop Kortian, one of the founding forces of Hai Tad in Australia and a founding member of ANC-AU.
In 2023, the Kortian family announced that they would be extending their sponsorship of the program for an additional five years.
Speaking on behalf of the extended Kortian Family, Dr Tro Kortian said, “We launched this program with the ANC-AU to honour our father’s legacy and the work he did in Hai Tad, and we are proud to have witnessed its evolution into a platform for young Armenian-Australians to enter the realm of politics.”
Candidates for the ANC-AU Internship Program’s Hagop Kortian Scholarship should email their applications no later than 30 June 2024 to info@anc.org.au, including:
- a current Curriculum Vitae (CV) with full contact details.
- a personal statement, no longer than 1000 words, that answers the following question: What do you hope to learn during your proposed internship with a Federal politician, and how will you use your acquired skills and ideas to further Hai Tad (the Armenian Cause) in your own community or campus?
- at least one letter of recommendation from an individual, not related to you, with knowledge of your abilities and qualifications.