SYDNEY: The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) has strongly condemned racist posters targeting the Asian-Australian community, which have appeared around Top Ryde over the weekend.
The posters, as reported by
The Daily Telegraph, carry slogans including "No More Asians - It's Not The Face of Australia", "Stop Asians applying for public housing assistance. They have no right to it. It puts Aussies homeless.", "Save our Aussie culture, politicians murdering our culture for short gain. Australia is not Asia.", and other poorly-worded hate speech directed at Asian-Australians.
Mayor of the City of Ryde, Jerome Laxale, said: "Ryde is one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in Australia. We are proud of our multiculturalism. This rubbish hate speech has no place in Ryde."
ANC-AU Executive Director, Haig Kayserian agreed with Laxale.
"Ryde is home to more Armenian-Australians than any other municipality in Australia," Kayserian said. "It is a welcoming part of the country and this sort of racist propaganda is unacceptable."
"Asian-Australians, like all minorities, have contributed greatly to the fabric of this country and any action making our society less accepting is downright un-Australian," Kayserian added.
The Armenian National Committee of Australia is part of
Keep Safe NSW, which is currently petitioning the NSW Government to overhaul the state’s race-hate legislation.
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