SYDNEY/CANBERRA: In a media statement released on 7th October 2022, the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of NSW and the ACT unequivocally condemned Azerbaijan’s attacks against the sovereign and internationally recognised borders of the Republic of Armenia, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU).
The statement released by the current moderator, Rev. Simon Hansford expresses the views of over 13 Presbyterian congregations across NSW and the ACT.
Rev. Hansford’s statement acknowledges the lack of awareness and silence regarding Azerbaijan’s assault against Armenia and raises much-needed awareness regarding the oil-rich dictatorship’s violation of Armenia’s territorial integrity amongst members of one of Australia’s largest Christian denominations.
The statement acknowledges the difficult geographical position Armenia finds itself in surrounded by hostile neighbours.
It reads: “These ongoing assaults, in which many people have been killed, many more wounded, and entire communities are suffering, are an undoubted reflection of the hostility with which the Armenian nation is frequently confronted by the countries which surround it geographically.”
“Any attack on another sovereign nation is unacceptable. We oppose, unequivocally, any act which threatens the lives, community and property of any sovereign nation.”
ANC-AU Executive Director, Michael Kolokossian welcomed the statement and thanked the Uniting Church in Australia for their principled and outspoken stance in support of Armenia.
“The Armenian nation finds itself in an existential struggle for survival and we are comforted by the Uniting Church in Australia’s reaffirmation of support for the Armenian people,” said Kolokossian.
The Uniting Church of Australia, Synod of NSW and the ACT join the
National Council of Churches Australia in condemning Azerbaijan’s latest aggression against the Republic of Armenia.
The Armenian National Committee of Australia acknowledges the efforts of Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian, who has assisted the Armenian-Australian community over many years in securing the support of the Uniting Church in Australia.
The full statement can be read